SAP FICO refers to Finance (FI) & Controlling (CO) and is an important core module used to review and monitor the financial situation of an organization. By using FICO, you can analyze the operational information of the company by generating and scheduling financial reports and can also help uncover solutions for accounting requirements. SAP FI represents the financials aspects while SAP CO manages the Managerial and Cost Controlling aspects.
Enterprise / Organization Structure
Company Codes
Business Areas
Purchasing Org and Assignment
Sales Org, Dist Channels, Divisions and Assignments
Sales Ares, Sales Office, Sales Grp
Chart of Accounts
Account Groups
G/L Accounts
Basic Settings
Fiscal year Variant
Open & Closing Posting Periods
Field Status Variant
General Ledger
Document Types/Structure
Number Ranges
Posting keys
General Postings
Parking a Document
Holding a Document
Reversal of Documents
Reference Documents
Account Balances
Accounts Receivable
Configuring the Receivable Document
Defining the Posting keys
Defining Receivable Accounts. Master Records
Invoice General
Posting Incoming Payments
Taxes on Sales & Purchases
Down Payments
Special G/l Accounts
Correspondence to Customer
Differences Payment Differences, Automatic Posting Payment Terms &
Holds Age Payments
Accounts Payable
Configuring the Payable Documents
Defining Posting Keys
Master Records
Payment Terms
Outgoing Payments
Difference in Payments
Special G/L Accounts
Down Payments
Correspondences to Vendors
House Banks
Manual Clearance through Cheques