SAP Technical
SAP S4HANA MDG Training | SAP S4HANA MDG Online Training
SAP S4HANA MDG 1909 Training | SAP S4HANA MDG 1909 Online Training
Module 1: SAP MDG Introduction
Topic 1: Describe the purpose of SAP MDG
Topic 2: Architecture Overview
Topic 3: Deployment Options (HUB vs Co-Deployed)
Topic 4: Flex Vs Re-use
Topic 5: SAP MDG Process Flow Demo in System
Topic 6: Master Data Domains Overview
1) Finance
2) Supplier
3) Material
4) Customer
5) Business Partner
Module 2: SAP MDG Data Modelling
Topic 1: Entity type (Type1,2,3 & 4 Entities)
Topic 2: Attributes
Topic 3: Entity Relationship Types
Topic 4: Extending Data Model
Topic 5: GENIL Structures & Link to GENIL
Topic 6: Data Model Specific Structures
Topic 7: Extend Mappings (SMT)
Topic 8: Hands-on Exercises
1) IMG
2) Enhance Standard Data Models – MM, BP, Etc - Create a New Attribute/Entity
3) Standard Data Model Expose the Field in UI & Perform SMT Mapping
4) Save the New Attribute Data in Backend
Module 3: Process Modelling
Topic 1: Change Request Types
Topic 2: Change Request status
Topic 3: Business Activity
Topic 4: Activate Type Linkage
Topic 5: Master Data Governance API
Topic 6: Hands-on Exercises
1) IMG
2) Enhance Standard CR
3) Create Custom CR
Module 4: SAP MDG UI Modelling
Topic 1: Floor Plan Manger (FPM) Basics
Topic 2: Linking FPM with MDG
Topic 3: UI per Workflow Step
Topic 4: Configuring the UI as per User Defined Criteria
Topic 5: BADIs for Modeling
Topic 6: Hands-on Exercises
1) IMG
2) Create a New Search Application (FPM Basics
3) Create a New Overview Page (FPM Basics)
4) Enhance Standard UIs (Context Based Adaption)
5) Hide Fields/Making Fields Mandatory/Making Fields Read Only Depending on Role
Module 5: Workflow Modelling
Topic 1: BADIs for UI Modelling Workflow Modelling
Topic 2: Business Workflow Basics
Topic 3: Rule Based Workflow (RBWF)
Topic 4: Create Change Requests, Step Types, Actions and Link to RBWF
Topic 5: Linking Rule-Based Workflow to MDG
Topic 6: Hands-on Exercises
1) IMG
2) Execise on Rule Based Workflow using BADIs
3) Workflow Routing Based on Data Populated in UI
4) Setting up Email Notification
Module 6: Search and Duplicate Check
Topic 1: ESH Cockpit
Topic 2: HANA Search
Topic 3: DB Search
Topic 4: ADR Search
Topic 5: Duplicate Check Configuration
Topic 6: Hands-on Exercises
1) IMG
2) HANA Search Exercise
3) Setting up Duplicate Check for Standard Object
Module 7: Validations and Derivations
Topic 1: BRF+ Basics
Topic 2: Validations and Derivations using ABAP BADI
Topic 3: Cross Entity Derivation using ABAP BADI
Topic 4: Using BRF+ decision tables in Workflow Resources
Topic 5: Agent/Non-Agent Determation
Topic 6: Hands-on Exercises
1) IMG
2) Create Custom BRF+Vvalidations/Derivations
3) Create a Workflow using BRF+
Module 8: Data Replication & Import
Topic 1: ALE & IDOCs Basics
Topic 2: Data Replication Framework (DRF - Key Mapping & Harmonized Scenarios)
Topic 3: Manual & Automatic Replication & Import
Topic 4: Data Import using XML (For BP/Materials)
Topic 5: Mass Change & Upload
Topic 6: Hands-on Exercises
1) IMG
2) DRF – Replicate 1 Standard and 1Custom IDOC each
3) DIF – Import 1 Excel & 1 XML File each
4) Mass Change
Module 9: SAP MDG on S4HANA with FIORI Apps
Topic 1: Describe the Advantages of running SAP on S4HANA /Latest Updates
Topic 2: Architecture of S4HANA on MDG
Topic 3: Data Migration from ECC to S4HANA Overview
Topic 4: Master Data Consolidation Overview (FIORI Apps Demo)
Topic 5: Master Data Quality Evalution Overview (FIORI Apps Walkthrough)
Module 10: Business Process Configurations
Topic 1: Materials Configuration in Detail (Step by Step Explaination)
Topic 2: Business Partner Configuration Details Configuration (Step by Step Explaination)
Topic 3: Customer Vendor Integration Overview
Module 11: SAP MDG Project Implementation
Topic 1: Creating a Custom Data Model in MDG (New Entity Type and Relations)
Topic 2: Creating a Custom Change Request for the New Data Model
Topic 3: Configuring a Workflow for the New Data Model
Topic 4: Creating a New User Interface for the Custom Data Model
Topic 5: Creating New Roles for MDG
Topic 6: Creating New Authorization Objects and Assigning to Roles
Topic 7: Linking Change Request UIs to NWBC
Topic 8: Implement atleast 1Custom Master Data Entity End to End from search to Replicate