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SAP VIM by Open Text | SAP Vendor Invoice Management Training | SAP OpenText VIM Training
SAP OpenText Vendor Invoice Management (VIM) Training Content
Module 1: Overview on Open Text VIM
Topic 1: Overview on Vendor Invoice Management
Module 2: Important/Mandatory Config
Topic 1: Archive Doc Type Config
Topic 2: VIM Roles
Topic 3: VIM Process Types Config
Topic 4: VIM Process Options/Button Config
Topic 5: VIM BDC ID Config
Module 3: VIM PO Based Invoice Processing
Topic 1: DP Doc Type Creation
Topic 2: Process Type & DP Doc Type Config
Topic 3: Assigning Logic to Each Process Type.
Topic 4: Invoice Exception Processing
Topic 5: Document Processing
Topic 6: DP Dashboard
Topic 7: Roles in Document Processing
Topic 8: Segregation of DP Doc Type (PO/NPO)
Topic 9: Country Specific Settings for DP Doc Type
Module 4: VIM PO Based Invoice Processing (Continued)
Topic 1: Logical Module Processing
Topic 2: Background Execution of Process Type
Topic 3: Document Type Definition
Topic 4: PO Invoice Approval Config
Topic 5: PO Line-item Determination
Topic 6: Rollout Criteria for Blocking Process
Topic 7: PO Invoice Blocking Process Config.
Topic 8: PO Invoice Parking Process Config
Module 5: VIM Non-PO Invoice Processing
Topic 1: Non-PO Process Flow
Topic 2: Process Type Creation
Topic 3: DP Doc Type Creation
Topic 4: VIM Segregation of DP Doc Type Config
Topic 5: Invoice Exception Processing
Topic 6: DP Dashboard
Module 6: Invoice Approval
Topic 1: Overview
Topic 2: AFS ID Creation
Topic 3: Maintaining COA
Topic 4: Configuring Process Type.
Topic 5: IAP Process Basics
Topic 6: Coding Validation
Topic 7: Invoice Approval SAP GUI Interface
Topic 8: Invoice Approval Web/Mobile Theoretical Overview
Module 7: Reports & Background Job
Topic 1: VIM Analytic Report
Topic 2: SAP Workflow Basic
Topic 3: Basis & Administrative Work
Topic 4: Overview of VIM Workflows
Topic 5: VIM Tips Related to Installation & Mandate one-time config.
Topic 6: Debugging in Production/Quality.
Topic 7: Background Job Scheduling
Module 8: IDH Channel Config
Topic 1: BCC Channel Config (OAWD)
Topic 2: BCC email Channel
Topic 3: IDOC Channel Config
Module 9: Invoice Capture Center Config/BCC
Topic 1: Overview BCC
Topic 2: BCC Config in SAP
Topic 3: BCC Config in BCC app
Topic 4: Batch Jobs to Communicate BCC & SAP
Module 10: Channels Config in Business Center
Topic 1: BCC Channel Config (OAWD)
Topic 2: BCC email Channel
Topic 3: IDOC Channel Config
Module 11: Interview Preparation
Topic 1: Interview Preparation