The SAP IS-U CCS ( SAP IS Utilities Customer Care and Serviecs) is a Industry Solution from SAP which address the needs of a customer oriented utility company. In the next pages we'll refer to SAP for Utilities Industry Solution simply as IS-U or CCS. Along with standard SAP R/3, SAP has provided solutions that cater to the special demands of a particular Industry and are seamlessly integrated with the components of standard SAP.
e.g. A equipment defined in standard SAP R/3 PM can be used while creating a device in SAP IS-U. These are called Industry Specific solutions. SAP IS-U/CCS component is a Sales & Information system that supports all business processes and utility services of a utility company. The core IS-U/CCS application is a consumption billing system that valuates measured and flat rate consumption and services. Though Services (but not consumption) can also be billed and invoiced using standard Sales & Distribution(SD).
SAP ISU Master Data Over view
Regional Structures
- Purpose of regional structure
- Postal Regional structure
- Political Regional structure
- Company Regional structure
- Dependencies of Regional structures
Schedule Master Record
- Parameter Record
- Portion
- Meter reading unit
- Creation of the above
Business Master Data
- Business Partner
- Contract account
- Contract
- Creation of Business master data
Technical Master data
- Connection Object
- Premise
- Installation
- Creation of Technical master data
Device Installation
- Technical Installation of the Device
- Billing related installation of the Device
- Full installation of the Device
Move-in & Move-out
- Move-in Introduction
- Move-in Business scenario
- Move-in Processing
- Changes to contract data during Move-in
- Allocation of Contract to installation
CIC Configuration
- CIC Terminology
- CIC Profile: Framework and Compnents
- CIC Customizing: Create Framework
- CIC Visible Compnents
- CIC Customizing: Assign Visible compnents to slots
- CIC Hidden Components
- CIC Customizing: Assign Hidden components to slots
- CIC Customizing: Assign Framework and Component profiles in the CIC profile
- CIC Customizing: Assign CIC Profile to an organizational level in organization management
- Organizational Plan
- CIC Organizational Structure
- Allocate the CIC Profile in the Organizational Plan
- Assigning a CIC Profile to a user id
- Starting the CIC.
Navigation and Application Area
- IS-U Navigator Structure
- Customizing Navigation Area
- Data Environment for the Navigation Area
- Customizing Navigation Area: Context Menu
- Data and Documents in the Navigation Area
- CIC Application Area
- Customizing Application Area
- Defining HTML Calls
- HTML Configuration
- Customer Overview
- Customer Contact
Front Office Process
- Definition
- Example
- Data flow of front office processes
- Data Export and Data Import
- Action Box Call: Data flow
- Data flow clipboard
- Data flow Context Menu
Disconnection/ Reconnection
- Business Scenario
- Process of Disconnection and Reconnection
- Disconnection Triggers
- Disconnection Document and Reference object
- Disconnection Document Component
- Confirm Disconnection Order
- Contract Specific Disconnection
- Create Disconnection Document: Example
- Customizing Processing Variant